X-ray diffraction study of a semiconductor/electrolyte interface: n-GaAs(001)/H2SO4(:Cu)

J. Zegenhagen, A. Kazimirov, G. Scherb, D.M. Kolb, D.-M. Smilgies, R. Feidenhans'l

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearch


    We used X-ray diffraction to investigate the n-GaAs(001)/0.5M H2SO4 interface in-situ under potential control in a three-electrode, thin-layer electrochemical cell. The intensity of crystal truncation rods as a function of the electrode potential was recorded. A pronounced increase in surface roughness was proven by the strong decrease in the rod intensities with time at an electrode potential of -0.6 V versus SCE. Surprisingly, this process could be partially reversed at more negative potentials (< -0.9 V versus SCE). Possible mechanisms explaining these observations are discussed. After the deposition of Cu from a 0.5M H2SO4/1mM CuSO4 solution, three-dimensional, epitaxially grown Cu islands with several degree mosaic spread were observed.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalSurface Science
    Pages (from-to)346-351
    Publication statusPublished - 1996


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