WTG Grid Compliance Testing and Validation Part 2: Combined Test Rig- and Prototype WTG-Based Model Validation Proposal

Gabriel Miguel Gomes Guerreiro*, Ranjan Sharma, Owen Curran, Mohsen Neshati, Pankaj Kumar, Thomas Dreyer, Kim H. Jensen, Sulav Ghimire

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The traditional method for electrical model validation of Wind Turbine Generators (WTG) relies on full-scale field prototype turbine testing. Model validation based on full-scale field testing is, without argument, the most reliable and robust way, but it also presents limitations. Major limitations include the scope of faults, controllability of events, time, and ultimately, cost. There are events such as phase jump, fast frequency change, single-phase-to-ground faults, etc., that would require an advanced test container setup to be performed on full-scale field testing. Furthermore, the availability of the turbine for testing is also heavily dependent on the weather/wind conditions, which can considerably prolong the test campaign. To address these limitations, this paper proposes a strategy, backed by the results from Part 1 of the paper, that utilizes EMT models and test rigs to enhance the testing and validation robustness of a new WTG. The proposed strategy includes three pillars: using EMT models for assessment before testing, conducting test rig testing for grid compliance and model validation, and finally, testing and verification with a reduced scope on the full-scale field turbine. By including additional steps prior to testing on the field prototype WTG, this strategy aims to build a more robust testing and validation strategy for developing better models to be used in studies during the design and operational life cycles of WPPs. The results presented in the paper show that this process can speed up model delivery while improving robustness. The paper further highlights that grid compliance can be tested and validated in different ways, and flexibility on the requirements to Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) shall be present to allow more innovation in the processes while ensuring that model validation and model quality, as the main objective, is maintained.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2024
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 2024
Event23rd Wind & Solar Integration Workshop - Helsinki, Finland
Duration: 8 Oct 202411 Oct 2024


Workshop23rd Wind & Solar Integration Workshop


  • Model validation
  • Grid compliance
  • Test rig
  • Field wind turbine generator
  • Validation proposal


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