Working with Different Building Energy Performance Tools: From Input Data to Energy and Indoor Temperature Predictions

Francesca Romana d’Ambrosio Alfano, Bjarne Wilkens Olesen, Daniela Pepe, Boris Igor Palella*

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Energy consumption calculations and thermal comfort conditions assessment are crucial issues in building simulations when using Building Energy Performance Simulation (BEPS) tools. The available software has been separately validated under different boundaries and operating conditions. Consequently, the predicted output of the same building simulated with two separate software can disagree. This issue is relevant not only for research purposes but also for professionals who need to compare the energy performance of the same building with different simulation engines. This work aims at contributing to the field in two ways. Above all, it clarifies the preparation of the building model and the correct definition of input data and boundary conditions when different software are used (IDA ICE and Design Builder/Energy Plus). In addition, it compares the output (energy and indoor temperatures) of two BEPS for the same building (in different configurations) exposed to the same weather conditions. The study shows that the two most significant differences are represented by the temperature values, while the energy predictions agree.
Original languageEnglish
Article number743
Issue number2
Number of pages25
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • BEPS
  • Building energy performance simulation
  • Decarbonization
  • Energy rate
  • Thermal comfort


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