Working fluid selection for organic Rankine cycles - Impact of uncertainty of fluid properties

Jerome Frutiger, Jesper Graa Andreasen, Wei Liu , Hartmut Spliethoff, Fredrik Haglind, Jens Abildskov, Gürkan Sin

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This study presents a generic methodology to select working fluids for ORC (Organic Rankine Cycles)taking into account property uncertainties of the working fluids. A Monte Carlo procedure is described as a tool to propagate the influence of the input uncertainty of the fluid parameters on the ORC modeloutput, and provides the 95%-confidence interval of the net power output with respect to the fluid property uncertainties. The methodology has been applied to a molecular design problem for an ORCusing a low-temperature heat source and consisted of the following four parts: 1) formulation of processmodels and constraints 2) selection of property models, i.e. Penge Robinson equation of state 3)screening of 1965 possible working fluid candidates including identification of optimal process parametersbased on Monte Carlo sampling 4) propagating uncertainty of fluid parameters to the ORC netpower output. The net power outputs of all the feasible working fluids were ranked including their uncertainties. The method could propagate and quantify the input property uncertainty of the fluidproperty parameters to the ORC model, giving an additional dimension to the fluid selection process. In the given analysis 15 fluids had an improved performance compared to the base case working fluid.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)987-997
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • Working fluid
  • Organic Rankine cycle
  • Uncertainty analysis
  • Monte Carlo procedure
  • Property data
  • Screening


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