In this report a consequence study regarding the surfers wind conditions east of the Hanstholm harbour area. Four existing turbines with a nominal power of 525kW is planned replaced with three new 4.3MW turbines near the beach are. It is investigated whether these wind turbines could potentially alter the wind conditions on the lee side, which is an important area for wind and kite surfers. The Dynamic Wake Meander Model is used to investigate the wind conditions north east of the planned new turbines at Hanstholm covering a surf area from a location called “Fish Factory” to a location called “Hamborg”. This model, which predicts instationary wind conditions behind one or more wind turbines, has previously been used to predict the changed power and load conditions for wind turbines in wind farm conditions. Avery fine agreement to measurements is seen and the model is therefore considered sufficient for this particular study also. Furthermore a more advanced flow solver has been used to give a qualitative understanding of the flow conditions near the existing and new turbines. In general the impact of the new windturbines are very limited and the same order of magnitude as the existing smaller turbines. The reason is that the new turbines mainly disturbs the wind conditions from 30m and upwards.
Publisher | DTU Wind Energy |
Number of pages | 28 |
Publication status | Published - 2017 |
Series | DTU Wind Energy E |
Number | 0143 |