Wind farm flow control oriented to electricity markets and grid integration: initial perspective analysis

Irene Eguinoa*, Tuhfe Göçmen, Paula B. Garcia-Rosa, Kaushik Das, VIaho PetroviĆ, Konstanze Kölle, Andreas Manjock, Matti Juhani Koivisto, Michael Smailes

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    Wind farm control allows coordinated operation of the wind turbines within a wind power plant. However, its development has traditionally been split into the distinct disciplines of power plant control and farm flow control. As variable renewable energies, in particular wind energy, increase their penetration into the power system, grid code requirements become stricter for wind power plants and electricity markets necessarily evolve. In such a context, cross-fertilisation between the two categories of wind farm control, targeting an integrated approach where applicable, becomes a priority. An initial overview on how to further align wind farm flow control to grid and electricity markets participation is provided, including an analysis of capabilities and prospects. Additionally, greater detail is given about an open-access data set serving as market showcases for value demonstration of price-driven operation of wind power plants by means of wind farm flow control.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article numbere80
    JournalAdvanced Control for Applications: Engineering and Industrial Systems
    Issue number3
    Number of pages28
    Publication statusPublished - 2021


    • Wind farm control
    • Wind farm flow control
    • Wake control
    • Electricity markets
    • Ancillary services
    • Price-driven operation


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