White Paper on Sustainable Material-based Solutions For Energy Efficient Buildings

Gian Marco Revel, Eugenia Maria Rodriguez Sierra, Cornelia Partsch, Marie-Pierre Arnaud-Guiraudet , Thomas Biel, Mohamed Boutouil, Gregor Gluth, Alireza Javadin, Henrik Madsen, Thomas Mueller, Anna Paraboschi, Irene Rafols, Petra Rütner, Nazanin Saeidi, Nowak Stefan, Alain Zarli, Donato Zangani

Research output: Book/ReportReportResearchpeer-review

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This white paper aims at supporting the definition of research and development strategies on sustainable material-based solutions for energy efficient buildings with a 2030 horizon (the same set by the revised Energy Performance of Buildings Directive to achieve at least a 55% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, as legally required under the 2021 European Climate Law). In particular, it wants to provide indications for the update of the Implementation Plan of the Strategic Energy Technology (SET) PLAN, which needs to keep up with market requirements and citizens’ needs and acceptance, thus positioning itself as a pillar in the context of actions targeting the buildings energy efficiency, seen in a wider human-centred ecosystem. To do this, ongoing initiatives at EU level will be properly considered, evidencing gaps and needs also with a view to create proper education and skills on sustainable construction materials application. 

The white paper has been produced by European materials scientists and technology experts, from both industrial and academic sectors, under the coordination of the Implementation Working Group 5 (IWG5) and is addressed to all the stakeholders involved in the development of materials for the construction sector, as well as to academic entities involved in construction materials research. The paper summarizes the conclusions from the experts’ meetings, stresses the identified gaps and barriers, and proposes strategic actions for the forthcoming research roadmap in new sustainable materials for energy efficient buildings.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherIWG 5 Buildings
Number of pages19
Publication statusPublished - 2023

Bibliographical note

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. Grant agreement 101075700


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