Wedge Splitting Test and Inverse Analysis on Fracture Behaviour of Fiber Reinforced and Regular High Performance Concretes

Kamil Hodicky, Thomas Hulin, Jacob Wittrup Schmidt, Henrik Stang

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    The fracture behaviour of three fiber reinforced and regular HPC (high performance concretes) is presented in this paper. Two mixes are based on optimization of HPC whereas the third mix was a commercial mix developed by CONTEC ApS (Denmark). The wedge splitting test setup with 48 cubical specimens was used experimentally and the cracked non-linear hinge model based on the fictitious crack model was applied for the interpretation of the results. The stress-crack opening relationships were extracted by using inverse analysis algorithm for various multi-linear softening curves. This showed that the refinement of the softening curves reflects in improved accuracy of the WST (wedge splitting test) simulation in comparison with bi-linear softening curves with
    acceptable increase of computational time. Furthermore, the fracture mechanics parameters such as COD (crack opening displacement), fracture energy and characteristic length were experimentally determined. Experiments were performed at 1, 3, 7 and 28 days. Fracture energy, Gf, was found to increase with age, while the characteristic length, Lch, was found to decrease.

    Original languageEnglish
    JournalJournal of Civil Engineering and Architecture
    Issue number5
    Pages (from-to)595-603
    Publication statusPublished - 2014


    • High performance concrete
    • Wedge splitting test
    • Inverse analysis
    • Fictitious crack model


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