Wave energy conversion in the Faroe Islands

Bárdur Joensen

Research output: Book/ReportPh.D. thesis

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The need for developing robust and efficient technologies for capturing power from renewable energy sources grows by the minute as we see the damaging effects from greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. A potential candidate for this is wave power which has been deemed one of the more promising technologies for power capture as the amount of energy enclosed in ocean waves is tremendous.

The overall aim of this thesis is to explore the possibilities of using wave power for energy production in the Faroe Islands. This aim is approached by considering the key aspects for potential wave energy conversion device deployment. 

The wave energy resource is assessed and characterized by use of third-generation spectral wave modelling for a large scale regional area. The numerical model is thoroughly validated through wave buoy observations and the wave energy  resource is assessed in terms of spatial and temporal variability around the Faroe Islands.

The demonstration of various wave energy absorption technologies is evaluated for the coastal waters surrounding the Faroe Islands, while also considering key factors such as device type, device size and device deployment site.

An optimization strategy in the form of a non-return valve system is implemented for the existing wave energy conversion principle oscillating water column. This will enhance the power production and potentially lower the cost of energy.

An assessment in terms of economic feasibility is conducted for existing wave energy conversion technologies currently under development, in order to demonstrate the important aspect of economics and cost of energy when considering wave energy conversion device deployment. The cost of energy is the main factor when considering device deployment for energy extraction. Furthermore, this is an important aspect when considering competitiveness with other forms of renewable energy.

Results show that the waters around the Faroe Islands are high in wave energy density and the Faroe Islands are a suitable location for wave energy conversion deployment, both compared to other places in the world and compared to other offshore renewable energy sources.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationKgs. Lyngby
PublisherTechnical University of Denmark
Number of pages109
ISBN (Electronic)978-87-7475-719-1
Publication statusPublished - 2023
SeriesDCAMM Special Report


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  • Wave energy conversion in the Faroe Islands

    Joensen, B. (PhD Student), Bingham, H. B. (Main Supervisor), Odmarsson, J. (Supervisor), Ducrozet, G. (Examiner), Eskilsson, C. (Examiner) & Niclasen, B. A. (Supervisor)


    Project: PhD

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