Water taste and odor (T&O): Challenges, gaps and solutions from a perspective of the WaterTOP network

Reyhan Akcaalan, Ricard Devesa-Garriga, Andrea Dietrich, Martin Steinhaus, Andreas Dunkel, Veronika Mall, Maura Manganelli, Simona Scardala, Emanuela Testai, Geoffrey A. Codd, Frantisek Kozisek, Maria Antonopoulou, Ana Rita Lado Ribeiro, Maria José Sampaio, Anastasia Hiskia, Theodoros M. Triantis, Dionysios D. Dionysiou, Gianluca Li Puma, Linda Lawton, Christine EdwardsHenrik Rasmus Andersen, Despo Fatta-Kassinos, Popi Karaolia, Audrey Combès, Kristel Panksep, Sevasti-Kiriaki Zervou, Meriç Albay, Latife Köker, Ekaterina Chernova, Sofia Iliakopoulou, Elisabeth Varga, Petra M. Visser, Angelika Ioanna Gialleli, Zuhal Zengin, Nikos Deftereos, Phani Miskaki, Christophoros Christophoridis, Aikaterina Paraskevopoulou, Tsair-Fuh Lin, Arash Zamyadi, Galina Dimova, Triantafyllos Kaloudis*

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Aesthetic aspects of drinking water, such as Taste and Odor (T&O), have significant effects on consumer perceptions and acceptability. Solving unpleasant water T&O episodes in water supplies is challenging, since it requires expertise and know-how in diagnosis, evaluation of impacts and implementation of control measures. We present gaps, challenges and perspectives to advance water T&O science and technology, by identifying key areas in sensory and chemical analysis, risk assessment and water treatment, as articulated by WaterTOP (COST Action CA18225), an interdisciplinary European and international network of researchers, experts, and stakeholders.
Original languageEnglish
Article number100409
JournalChemical Engineering Journal Advances
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Water quality
  • Water treatment
  • Taste
  • Odor


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