Water at Interfaces

Olle Björneholm, Martin Hangaard Hansen, Andrew Hodgson, Li-Min Liu, David T. Limmer, Angelos Michaelides, Philipp Pedevilla, Jan Rossmeisl, Huaze Shen, Gabriele Tocci, Eric Tyrode, Marie-Madeleine Walz, Josephina Werner, Hendrik Bluhm

Research output: Contribution to journalReviewpeer-review


The interfaces of neat water and aqueous solutions play a prominent role in many technological processes and in the environment. Examples of aqueous interfaces are ultrathin water films that cover most hydrophilic surfaces under ambient relative humidities, the liquid/solid interface which drives many electrochemical reactions, and the liquid/vapor interface, which governs the uptake and release of trace gases by the oceans and cloud droplets. In this article we review some of the recent experimental and theoretical advances in our knowledge of the properties of aqueous interfaces and discuss open questions and gaps in our understanding.
Original languageEnglish
JournalChemical Reviews
Issue number13
Pages (from-to)7698-7726
Number of pages29
Publication statusPublished - 2016


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