Volume Flow in Arteriovenous Fistulas Using Vector Velocity Ultrasound

Peter Møller Hansen, Jacob Bjerring Olesen, Michael Johannes Pihl, Theis Lange, Søren Heerwagen, Mads Møller Pedersen, Marianne Rix, Lars Lönn, Jørgen Arendt Jensen, Michael Bachmann Nielsen

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    Volume flow in arteriovenous fistulas for hemodialysis was measured using the angle-independent ultrasound technique Vector Flow Imaging and compared with flow measurements using the ultrasound dilution technique during dialysis. Using an UltraView 800 ultrasound scanner (BK Medical, Herlev, Denmark) with a linear transducer, 20 arteriovenous fistulas were scanned directly on the most superficial part of the fistula just before dialysis. Vector Flow Imaging volume flow was estimated with two different approaches, using the maximum and the average flow velocities detected in the fistula. Flow was estimated to be 242 mL/min and 404 mL/min lower than the ultrasound dilution technique estimate, depending on the approach. The standard deviations of the two Vector Flow Imaging approaches were 175.9 mL/min and 164.8 mL/min compared with a standard deviation of 136.9 mL/min using the ultrasound dilution technique. The study supports that Vector Flow Imaging is applicable for volume flow measurements.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalUltrasound in Medicine & Biology
    Issue number11
    Pages (from-to)2707–2714
    Publication statusPublished - 2014


    • Vector Flow Imaging
    • Arteriovenous fistula
    • Ultrasound
    • Volume flow estimation
    • Flow velocity estimation
    • Hemodialysis
    • Ultrasound dilution technique


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