Video tracking and force platform measurements of the kettlebell lifts long cycle and snatch

Erik Hofman-Bang, Mirko Salewski*, Andreas Top Adler

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We present force platform measurements and video tracking analysis of a kettlebell-trained international top athlete performing the kettlebell lifts long cycle and snatch. The ground reaction force measured with the force platform strongly varies during the kettlebell lift. Video analysis reveals the contributions of the kettlebells and the athlete’s body parts to the ground reaction force. The force platform measurements agree with the forces estimated from video tracking usually to within 30%. The presented data allows estimates of the energy and power required for kettlebell lifts, the mechanical efficiency (long cycle: 48%; snatch : 57%), and the forces on the athlete’s joints.
Original languageEnglish
Article number239
JournalSN Applied Sciences
Issue number2
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • Kettlebell sport
  • Force platform
  • Video tracking


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