Vibration and acoustic behaviour investigation of millimeter-sized porous mesh samples

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This study is aimed to analyze the vibration and acoustic behaviour of the porous mesh structure utilized in the sound inlets of hearables and other miniature acoustic devices.
Previous studies on woven fabric tend to treat it as a homogeneous material and assume it to be motionless. Nevertheless, research on micro-perforated plates emphasizes the impact of the panels’ vibration and their potential coupling with the sound field. To investigate how the mesh structure influences the sound field, we first focus on analyzing the mesh’s vibration through experiment measurement. Additionally, we propose a lumped dynamic representation of the mesh structure as an alternative approach to describing its motion. Subsequently, acoustic measurements of the mesh are conducted using an impedance tube. The study also includes numerical finite element investigations. Both the numerical and lumped models show a certain degree of accuracy in simulating the behaviour of the mesh structure compared to the experiment results.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2023
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 2023
EventSymposium on the Acoustics of Poro-Elastic Materials - Sorrento, Italy
Duration: 7 Nov 202310 Nov 2023


ConferenceSymposium on the Acoustics of Poro-Elastic Materials
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