Very Thin Flexible Coupled Inductors for PV Module Integrated GaN Converter

Milos Acanski, Ziwei Ouyang, Jelena Popovic-Gerber, Braham Ferreira

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


    As the PV energy penetrates into the urban area, shortcomings of the conventional centralized PV system architectures become more pronounced under the influence of urban environment with shading, soiling and orientation mismatch issues. To overcome these limitations new PV system architectures were proposed with more granular power processing by means of distributed maximum power point tracking (DMPPT). This is achieved by adjoining a MPPT unit to
    each PV module in the PV array. This paper presents a step further in the distributed power tracking approach, with a concept of very low profile power converter integrated directly into a low cost flexible PV module. Additional problems arise in this case, specifically in magnetics design, due to the requirements for very low profile flexible construction and limited thermal headroom. Overcoming these limitations presents a challenge, but can lead to a cost effective, reliable solution for PV systems with improved integration level and power density.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publication2012 IEEE 7th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference
    Publication date2012
    Pages693- 697
    ISBN (Print)978-1-4577-2087-1
    Publication statusPublished - 2012
    EventThe International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference - Harbin, China
    Duration: 2 Jun 20125 Jun 2012


    ConferenceThe International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference

    Bibliographical note

    2012 IEEE 7th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference - ECCE Asia, June 2-5, 2012, Harbin, China


    • Low profile
    • Flexible
    • Coupled inductors


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