Very High Frequency Two-Port Characterization of Transistors

Jens Christian Hertel, Yasser Nour, Ivan Harald Holger Jørgensen, Arnold Knott

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterResearch

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    To properly use transistors in VHF converters, they need to be characterized under similar conditions. This research presents a two-port method, using a network analyzer (NWA) with a S-port setup. The method is a one-shot method, providing fast results of the off-state parasitics of the transistors.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication date2016
    Number of pages3
    Publication statusPublished - 2016
    Event 5th International Workshop on Power Supply On Chip - Centro de ELectronica Industrial, Madrid, Spain
    Duration: 3 Oct 20165 Oct 2016
    Conference number: 5


    Conference 5th International Workshop on Power Supply On Chip
    LocationCentro de ELectronica Industrial


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