Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Layout Optimization

Davide Cazzaro, Gabriele Bedon, David Pisinger

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Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWTs) are not mature enough yet for offshore wind farms, but they offer benefits compared to conventional Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines (HAWTs). Higher power densities, reduced wakes, lower center of mass, and different power and thrust curves make VAWTsaninteresting option to complement existing wind farms. The optimization of wind farm layouts—finding the optimal positions of wind turbines in a park—has proven crucial to extract more energy from conventional wind farms. In this study, we build an optimizer for VAWTs that can consider arbitrarily shaped layouts as well as obstacles in the area. We adapt a recent model for the wakes of VAWTsconsidering a Troposkien design. We can then model and optimize a large VAWT park in a real wind scenario and assess for the first time its performance operating Troposkien VAWTs. In addition, we present a novel model for wind farm optimization that considers the clockwise and counterclockwise rotation of turbines. This optimization exploits the asymmetric wakes of VAWTs, thus increasing the total energy production. We benchmark our optimization on realistic instances andcompareVAWTsandHAWTswindfarmlayouts,showingthatVAWTscanachievehigherdensity and power production than HAWTs in the same area. Finally, the wake loss reduction is compared to the literature.
Original languageEnglish
Article number2697
Number of pages16
Publication statusPublished - 2023


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