Variation in growth, yield and protein concentration in Saccharina latissima (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae) cultivated with different wave and current exposures in the Faroe Islands

Agnes Mols-Mortensen, Elma á Geilini Ortind, Charlotte Jacobsen, Susan Løvstad Holdt

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Ropes seeded directly with Saccharina latissima were deployed at different exposures (sheltered, current exposed and wave exposed) in a Faroese sound and characteristics of growth and quality of the biomass and surroundings were evaluated during the growth season from March to August 2015. Saccharina latissima individuals cultivated at the current exposed location were heavier compared to the individuals cultivated at the other locations; however, the total biomass yield was significantly lower at the current exposed location. The protein and nutritional value of the biomass varied with season but showed no correlation with exposure. The highest protein levels and EAA (essential amino acid) score were measured in the spring (April and May) samples. The amino acid composition was dominated by glutamate followed by aspartic acid; however, this was replaced by methionine in the July samples. Total Kjeldahl nitrogen was significantly higher in May and August compared to July, and the nitrate concentration in the biomass was significantly lower in May and August compared to July. Nitrate was most available in the seawater at the time of deployment (3rd of March) and decreased during spring and summer. Saccharina latissima was cultivated successfully at the sheltered, current exposed and wave exposed locations using a direct seeding method. However, our results indicate that the lower biomass yield at the current exposed cultivation location compared to the sheltered and wave exposed are due to the direct seeding method, and possible limitations using this method need further testing and optimization.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Applied Phycology
Issue number5
Pages (from-to)2277-2286
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 2017
Event22nd International Seaweed Symposium - Copenhagen, Denmark
Duration: 19 Jun 201624 Jun 2016


Conference22nd International Seaweed Symposium


  • Life Sciences
  • Plant Sciences
  • Freshwater & Marine Ecology
  • Plant Physiology
  • Ecology
  • SC3
  • Chemical composition
  • Cultivation
  • Essential amino acids
  • Exposure
  • Saccharina latissima
  • Phaeophyceae
  • Seasonality


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