title = "Variability of the chalk background velocity in the South Arne area: (Reports includet in this volume GEUS report 2004/106, 2005/7/ 2005/23, DTU E&R report 1, E&R2, {\O}degaard report 03.24033.01, 03.24033.02)",
author = "P. Japsen and Fabricius, {Ida Lykke} and Lars Gommesen and G. Mavko and A. Bruun and T. Bidstup and F. Jakobsen and D. Olsen and Nguyen, {Sinh Hy} and R. Rasmussen and N. Springer and O.V. Vejb{\ae}k",
year = "2005",
language = "English",
publisher = "Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, GEUS",