Validation of measured friction by process tests

Morten Eriksen, Poul Henningsen, Xincai Tan, Ole Wibom, Maria Lindegren

    Research output: Book/ReportReportResearchpeer-review


    The objective of sub-task 3.3 is to evaluate under actual process conditions the friction formulations determined by simulative testing. As regards task 3.3 the following tests have been used according to the original project plan: 1. standard ring test and 2. double cup extrusion test. The task has, however, been extended to include a number of new developed process tests: 3. forward rod extrusion test, 4. special ring test at low normal pressure, 5. spike test (especially developed for warm and hot forging). Validation of the measured friction values in cold forming from sub-task 3.1 has been made with forward rod extrusion, and very good agreement was obtained between the measured friction values in simulative testing and process testing.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages30
    Publication statusPublished - 2000


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