Validation of a zero-dimensional model for prediction of NOx and engine performance for electronically controlled marine two-stroke diesel engines

Fabio Scappin, Sigurður H. Stefansson, Fredrik Haglind, Anders Andreasen, Ulrik Larsen

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    The aim of this paper is to derive a methodology suitable for energy system analysis for predicting the performance and NOx emissions of marine low speed diesel engines. The paper describes a zero-dimensional model, evaluating the engine performance by means of an energy balance and a two zone combustion model using ideal gas law equations over a complete crank cycle. The combustion process is divided into intervals, and the product composition and flame temperature are calculated in each interval. The NOx emissions are predicted using the extended Zeldovich mechanism. The model is validated using experimental data from two MAN B&W engines; one case being data subject to engine parameter changes corresponding to simulating an electronically controlled engine; the second case providing data covering almost all model input and output parameters. The first case of validation suggests that the model can predict specific fuel oil consumption and NOx emissions within the 95% confidence intervals given by the experimental measurements. The second validation confirms the capability of the model to match measured engine output parameters based on measured engine input parameters with a maximum 5% deviation.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalApplied Thermal Engineering
    Pages (from-to)344-352
    Publication statusPublished - 2012


    • Engine tuning
    • Zero-dimensional
    • NOx
    • Emissions
    • Diesel engine
    • Performance
    • Optimization
    • Modeling


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