Validating the passenger traffic model for Copenhagen

Christian Hansen Overgård, Goran VUK

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    The paper presents a comprehensive validation procedure for the passenger traffic model for Copenhagen based on external data from the Danish national travel survey and traffic counts. The model was validated for the years 2000 to 2004, with 2004 being of particular interest because the Copenhagen Metro became operational in autumn 2002. We observed that forecasts from the demand sub-models agree well with the data from the 2000 national travel survey, with the mode choice forecasts in particular being a good match with the observed modal split. The results of the 2000 car assignment model matched the observed traffic better than those of the transit assignment model. With respect to the metro forecasts, the model over-predicts metro passenger flows by 10% to 50%. The wide range of findings from the project resulted in two actions. First, a project was started in January 2005 to upgrade the model’s base trip matrices. Second, a dialog between researchers and the Ministry of Transport has been initiated to discuss the need to upgrade the Copenhagen model, e.g. a switching to an activity-based paradigm and improving assignment procedures.
    Original languageEnglish
    Issue number4
    Pages (from-to)371-392
    Publication statusPublished - 2006


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