Using time series simulation tool for assessing the effects of variable renewable energy generation on power and energy systems

Matti Juhani Koivisto*, Kaushik Das, Feng Guo, Poul Sørensen, Edgar Nuño, Nicolaos Antonio Cutululis, Petr Maule

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    The increasing share of variable renewable energy (VRE) generation poses challenges to power systems. Possible challenges include adequacy of reserves, planning and operation of power systems, and interconnection expansion studies in future power systems with very different generation patterns compared to today. To meet these challenges, there is a need to develop models and tools to analyze the variability and uncertainty in VRE generation. To address the varied needs, the tools should be versatile and applicable to different geographical and temporal scales. Time series simulation tools can be used to model both today and future scenarios with varying VRE installations. Correlations in Renewable Energy Sources (CorRES) is a simulation tool developed at Technical University of Denmark, Department of Wind Energy capable of simulating both wind and solar generation. It uses a unique combination of meteorological time series and stochastic simulations to provide consistent VRE generation and forecast error time series with temporal resolution in the minute scale. Such simulated VRE time series can be used in addressing the challenges posed by the increasing share of VRE generation. These capabilities will be demonstrated through three case studies: one about the use of large‐scale VRE generation simulations in energy system analysis, and two about the use of the simulations in power system operation, planning, and analysis.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article numbere329
    JournalWiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment
    Issue number3
    Number of pages15
    Publication statusPublished - 2019


    • Energy systems
    • Power system
    • Simulation
    • Solar
    • Time series
    • Uncertainty
    • Variability
    • Wind


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    • NSON-DK: North Sea Offshore Network - Denmark

      Sørensen, P. E. S. (Project Coordinator), Das, K. (Project Participant), Koivisto, M. J. (Project Participant), Pade, L.-L. (Project Participant), Skytte, K. (Project Participant), Gea-Bermudez, J. (Project Participant), Papakonstantinou, A. (Project Participant), Boscán Flores, L. R. (Project Participant), Kanellas, P. (Project Participant), Plakas, K. (Project Participant), Kitzing, L. (Project Participant) & Bergaentzlé, C. M. (Project Participant)


      Project: Research

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