User acceptance and motivational strategies

Humira Ehrari, Henning Boje Andersen, Carlijn Valk, Yuan Lu

Research output: Book/ReportReportResearch

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This deliverable describes the results and reflections by the partners’ efforts on user acceptance and motivation strategies. The report presents the outcome of an identification and detailing of user acceptance and motivation strategies for the overall system (REACH, Touchpoints & Engine concept) and subsystems (Touchpoints, REACH toolkit elements), providing full consideration and detailing of ethical, privacy, legal and usability/accessibility aspects. The REACH system incorporates two strands of technological elements; on the one hand, sensing and monitoring elements, and, on the other hand, motivational and physical engagement elements. For both types, user acceptance is critical allowing for a user experience that leads to (intrinsic, extrinsic, etc.) motivation to more physical activity. The remainder of this Deliverable is structured as follows. First, we introduce the REACH-specific interplay of the concept “user acceptance” with the linked concepts “behaviour change/motivation” and “personalization” in the context of (early) physical activation of elderly persons, and outline the related work and activities conducted in REACH (overall and per TP). Second, we present an analysis and structuring of acceptability drivers (ethical, privacy/security, legal, and accessibility considerations) per Touchpoint. From this we developed an integrated view that represents REACH specific know-how about how to use these acceptability drivers to integrate advanced ICT-driven technology for early detection and intervention use cases seamlessly into age inclusive communities. Third, we present our findings in the context of the development of acceptability drivers for the use of sensing and monitoring elements. We conclude the deliverable by outlining acceptability related evidence and examples from REACH trials (based on Deliverable D27 findings), and by summarizing the overall findings of this deliverable.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2019

Bibliographical note

Technical Report · May 2019


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