Usability evaluation of an adaptation of the WHO classification for patient safety

Jacob Thommesen, Kim Lyngby Mikkelsen, Henning Boje Andersen

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

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    We describe a method involving user-system simulation to drive rapid development and evaluation of layout, organization or information technology in healthcare. The method has been developed, tested and refined in three sub-projects in the Capital Region of Denmark. The overall goal of the project was to validate such a development method in a two-year project (2010-11). Explorative simulation is primarily based on approaches in design and usability engineering and simulation-based training in healthcare, and involves end-users and designers or engineers in a collaborative exploration of design solution. A simulation project consists of a number of discrete simulation events that begin with an observation study of the situation or object in question. This is followed by a Framing workshop where end-users (doctors, nurses, secretaries etc.) are guided through a process that uncovers problems, needs and wishes. This is translated into scripted scenarios that are explored in simulations. The simulations all use end-users to play their normal role in the scripts but different types of props are used depending on purpose. E.g. simulation of layout and organization are done using table-top simulation and mobile devices are simulated on iPads with mock-up screens. We describe and exemplify the chief advantages of the explorative simulation method, summarized briefly as follows: - a surprisingly quick way to set up and test a reasonably complex work setting and task environment - an efficient way in which application developers can gain insight into the healthcare work practice and design applications accordingly - Theories and new ideas can be readily transformed to into the simulated world where they are explored and quickly rejected or used further - A very cost-effective approach to innovation.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings from PSAM11 and ESREL 2012. 11th International Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference and The Annual European Safety and Reliability Conference
    Number of pages10
    PublisherCurran Associates
    Publication date2012
    ISBN (Print)978-162-276-436-5
    Publication statusPublished - 2012
    Event11th International Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference and The Annual European Safety and Reliability Conference 2012 - Scandic Marina Congress Center, Helsinki, Finland
    Duration: 25 Jun 201229 Jun 2012


    Conference11th International Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference and The Annual European Safety and Reliability Conference 2012
    LocationScandic Marina Congress Center


    • Incident reporting
    • Patient safety
    • Taxonomy
    • Organizational factors


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