title = "Urban Wind Energy - State of the Art 2009",
abstract = "Wind energy in urban areas is a new area and a rather blank page concerning design criteria, aesthetics, concepts, minimizing costs etc. Even though the potential energy in the flow is much higher on the country side or off-shore, the erection of wind turbines in urban areas is carried out and also shows perspectives regarding e. g. direct use of the energy instead of redirecting the energy to the grid and reduction of transmission loss. Within the area of urban wind energy, different applications are to be distinguished. The main groups are turbines integrated in buildings, small turbines on already existing buildings and free standing turbines in public areas. In this report, a look is taken on the mentioned applications, a short introduction to urban climate is given, followed by a list of already existing small turbines which are compared. Examples in between, field tests and experiments support the understanding. An overview of current projects set the application of wind turbines in the urban environment in a relevant perspective.",
keywords = "Wind energy, Aeroelastic Design, Ris{\o}-R-1668, Ris{\o}-R-1668(EN), Aeroelastisk design, Vindenergi",
author = "Christina Beller",
year = "2009",
language = "English",
isbn = "978-87-550-3720-5",
series = "Denmark. Forskningscenter Risoe. Risoe-R",
number = "1668(EN)",
publisher = "Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Ris{\o} Nationallaboratoriet for B{\ae}redygtig Energi",