Union Spinning Mills - Cleaner Production option report

Henrik Wenzel, Zsig Schneider

    Research output: Book/ReportReportResearch


    In October and November 2002 meetings were held between Union Spinning Mills and external consultants from the South African – Danish Cleaner Textile Production Project. Project participants from USM were: • From USM: Operations Director Johan Ferreira, Finishing Manager Anrico (Andrej) Kritzinger and dyehouse technologists Dennis Robertson and Barry Gatenby • From Pollution Research Group, Natal University, Durban: Mr. Zsig Schneider • From Institute for Product Development, Denmark: Mr. Henrik Wenzel This team of people collected information on recipes and flow schematics on the various wet treatment operations in the dyehouse, and water and energy balances were made to the extent data allowed. A number of options for saving water, energy and chemicals were identified. The potentials monetary savings and necessary investments were estimated, and a list of priority projects including milestone plans for their implementation was made. Saving potentials amounted to around 3.5 mill. R with an average pay-back of less than a year.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherInstitut for Produktion og Ledelse, DTU
    Number of pages35
    Publication statusPublished - 2003


    • Cleaner technology
    • Water savings
    • Technology transfer
    • Technology development
    • Textile industry
    • Energy savings


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