Unilateral Vibro-Impact Systems—Experimental Observations against Theoretical Predictions based on the Coefficient of Restitution

Geraldo F. de S. Reboucas, Ilmar Santos*, Jon J. Thomsen

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    The vibro-impact response of a single-degree of freedom model with the coefficient of restitution is analyzed using pointwise mapping and a standard averaging combined with non-smooth transformations. Experimental data are taken from a cantilever beam with attached mass and unilateral constraint submitted to different gap configurations and levels of excitation. Numerical simulations are used to reproduce empirical observations to a certain extent and validate theoretical predictions. Investigations on the coefficient of restitution show its dependence on the forcing frequency and pre-contact velocity. The effect of gap variations due to sliding of the constraint during frequency sweep is analyzed experimentally.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalJournal of Sound and Vibration
    Pages (from-to)346-371
    Publication statusPublished - 2019


    • Vibro-impact dynamics
    • Unilateral impact
    • Kinematic impact
    • Coefficient of restitution
    • Vibro-impacting beam
    • Beam with attached mass


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