Undercooling and demixing of copper-based alloys

M. Kolbe, J. Brillo, I. Egry, D.M. Herlach, L. Ratke, D. Chatain, N. Tinet, C. Antion, L. Battezzati, S. Curiotto, E. Johnson, Nini Pryds

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articleResearchpeer-review


    Since the beginning of materials science research under microgravity conditions immiscible alloys have been an interesting subject. New possibilities to investigate such systems are offered by containerless processing techniques. Of particular interest is the ternary system Cu-Fe-Co, and its limiting binaries, Cu-Co and Cu-Fe. They all show a metastable miscibility gap in the regime of the undercooled melt. Within the ESA-MAP project “CoolCop”, different aspects of this alloy have been investigated; results obtained so far are reported here.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalMicrogravity - Science and Technology
    Issue number3-4
    Pages (from-to)174-177
    Publication statusPublished - 2006


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