Unconventional, High-Efficiency Propulsors

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


    The development of ship propellers has generally been characterized by search for propellers with as high efficiency as possible and at the same time low noise and vibration levels and little or no cavitation. This search has lead to unconventional propulsors, like vane-wheel propulsors, contra-rotating propellers, propeller-and-stator-blade propulsors, and also to propellers with unconventional geometry, like propellers with end plates and tip-fin or Kappel propellers. The paper starts with a short overview of the different unconventional, high-efficiency propulsors. The emphasis is laid on the background, development and current state of development of tip-fin propellers.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publication4th SVA Forum - Development of Propulsion and Manoeuvring Systems
    Number of pages15
    Place of PublicationPotsdam
    Publication date1996
    Publication statusPublished - 1996
    Event4th SVA Forum - Development of Propulsion and Manoeuvring Systems - Potsdam Model Basin, Germany
    Duration: 27 Mar 199627 Mar 1996


    Conference4th SVA Forum - Development of Propulsion and Manoeuvring Systems
    CityPotsdam Model Basin

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