Uncertainty estimation of the mass discharge from a contaminated site using a fully Bayesian framework

Mads Troldborg, W. Nowak, Philip John Binning, Poul Løgstrup Bjerg, R. Helmig

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference abstract in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


    Field estimates of the mass discharge (mass/time) from contaminated sites are increasingly being used in contaminated site management and a quantification of the uncertainties related to such estimates are therefore of great practical importance. We present here a comprehensive approach for quantifying the uncertainty in the mass discharge across a multilevel control plane. The method is based on geostatistical inverse modelling and accounts for i) conceptual model uncertainty through multiple conceptual models and Bayesian model averaging, ii) heterogeneity through Bayesian geostatistics with an uncertain geostatistical model and iii) measurement uncertainty. The method is tested on a TCE contaminated site for which four different conceptual models were set up. The mass discharge and the associated uncertainty are hereby determined. It is discussed which of the conceptual models is most likely to reflect the true site conditions.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publication7th International Groundwater Quality Conference: Groundwater Quality Management in a Rapidly Changing World, GQ10
    Number of pages1
    PublisherIAHS Press
    Publication date2010
    ISBN (Print)9781907161162
    Publication statusPublished - 2010
    EventGroundwater Quality Management in a Rapidly Changing World : 7th International Groundwater Quality Conference - Zurich, Switzerland
    Duration: 13 Jun 201018 Jun 2010
    Conference number: 7


    ConferenceGroundwater Quality Management in a Rapidly Changing World : 7th International Groundwater Quality Conference
    Internet address
    SeriesIAHS Publications Series (Red Books)

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