Uncertainty budget for final assay of a pharmaceutical product based on RP-HPLC

Kaj Heydorn, Thomas Anglov, Kirsten Byrialsen, Jan Karkov Carstensen, Finn Christensen, Steen Christensen, Birger Stjernholm Madsen, Else Sørensen, Jeanett Norrbohm Sørensen, Karin Toftegård, Henrik Winther

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articleResearchpeer-review


Compliance with specified limits for the content of active substance in a pharmaceutical drug requires knowledge of the uncertainty of the final assay. The uncertainty of measurement is based on the ISO recommendation as expressed in the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM). The reported example illustrates the estimation of uncertainty for the final determination of a protein concentration by HPLC using UV detection, using the approach described by EURACHEM/CITAC. The combined standard uncertainty for a protein concentration of 2400 mumol/L was estimated to be 14 mumol/L. All known and potential uncertainty components are presented in Ishikawa diagrams and were carefully evaluated using Type A or Type B estimates. Special efforts were made to avoid duplication or omission of significant contributions to the combined uncertainty. Hence, before accepting the uncertainty budget, the estimated combined standard uncertainty was verified using the variation observed in a number of quality control samples.
Original languageEnglish
JournalAccreditation and Quality Assurance
Issue number5
Pages (from-to)225-230
Publication statusPublished - 2003
EventInteract 2002 Conference: Metrology in Chemistry - Sydney, Australia
Duration: 22 Jul 200225 Jul 2002


ConferenceInteract 2002 Conference


  • Uncertainty budget
  • HPLC
  • Drug assay
  • Validation
  • Data
  • Verification


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