Ultrastructural observations on marine choanoflagellates (Choanoflagellida, Acanthoecidae) from the coast of Thailand: Species of Apheloecion gen.nov.

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Loricate choanoflagellates (Choanoflagellida, Acanthoecidae) (3 spp.), collected from the Andaman Sea near Phuket Island (southwestern Thailand), are described and referred to APHELOECION gen. nov. (holotype: A. quadrispinum sp. nov.). All species possess a single-chambered lorica composed of 1 transverse costa overlaid by a limited number of longitudinal costae which converge posteriorly. Anteriorly the longitudinal costae protrude above the transverse costa as sharp pointed spines. In A. quadrispinum and A. pentacanthum sp. nov., the lorica is terminated by a short posterior spine; in A. articulatum sp. nov., the pedicel is much more prominent, consisting of several costal strips which are joined end-to-end. The species of Apheloecion appear to be most closely related to species of Calliacantha and Monocosta. None of the species described are so far known from localities outside the Andaman Sea.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Plankton Research
Issue number5
Pages (from-to)739-754
Publication statusPublished - 1983
Externally publishedYes


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