An ultrasound imaging system includes a transducer array (102) with a plurality of transducer elements (106) configured to transmit an ultrasound signal, receive echo signals produced in response to the ultrasound signal interacting with stationary structure and flowing structure, and generate electrical signals indicative of the echo signals. The system further includes a beamformer (112) configured to process the electrical signals and generate sequences, in time, of beamformed data. The system further includes a filter (118) configured to process the beamformed data, and remove or replace a set of frequency components based on a threshold, producing corrected beamformed data. The system further includes a flow processor (120) configured to estimate a velocity of flowing structure from the corrected beamformed data. The system further includes a rendering engine (224) configured to display the flow velocity estimate on a display (124).
Original language | English |
IPC | G01S 15/ 89 A I |
Patent number | US2020138411 |
Filing date | 30/12/2015 |
Country/Territory | International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) |
Priority date | 30/12/2015 |
Priority number | WO2015IB60059 |
Publication status | Published - 7 May 2020 |