Ultrasound enhanced plasma surface modification at atmospheric pressure

Yukihiro Kusano, Shailendra Vikram Singh, Kion Norrman, Joanna Maria Drews, Frank Leipold, Alexander Bardenshtein, N. Krebs

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference abstract for conferenceResearch


    Atmospheric pressure plasma treatment can be highly enhanced by simultaneous high-power ultrasonic irradiation onto the treating surface. It is because ultrasonic waves with a sound pressure level (SPL) above approximately 140 dB can reduce the thickness of a boundary gas layer between the plasma and the material surface, and thus many reactive species generated in the plasma can reach the surface before inactivated, and be efficiently utilized for surface modification. In the present work polyester plates are treated using a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) and a gliding arc at atmospheric pressure to study adhesion improvement. The effect of ultrasonic irradiation with the frequency diapason between 20 and 40 kHz at the SPL of approximately 150 dB is investigated. The ultrasonic waves are introduced into the DBD through the perforated mesh electrode. The plasma gas (He or Ar) and ambient air are separated using a polyethylene film. The gliding arc was extended by a high speed air flow into ambient air, directed the polyester surface at an angle of approximately 30o. The ultrasonic waves were introduced vertically to the surface. After the plasma treatment using each plasma source without ultrasonic irradiation, the water contact angle dropped markedly, and tended to decrease furthermore at higher power. The ultrasonic irradiation during the plasma treatment consistently improved the wettability. Oxygen containing polar functional groups were introduced at the surface by the plasma treatment, and the oxidation was enhanced by the ultrasonic irradiation, indicating that the adhesive property would be improved.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication date2010
    Publication statusPublished - 2010
    Event10th International conference on applied surface engineering and 5th International conference of surface and interface science and engineering - Singapore, Singapore
    Duration: 19 Oct 201022 Oct 2010


    Conference10th International conference on applied surface engineering and 5th International conference of surface and interface science and engineering


    • Plasma processing
    • Fusion energy


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