Ultra-large bandwidth hollow-core guiding in all-silica bragg fibers with nano-supports

Guillaume Vienne, Yong Xu, Christian Jakobsen, Hans-Jürgen Deyerl, Jesper Bo Damm Jensen, Niels Thorkild Sørensen, Theis Peter Hansen, Yanyi Huang, Matthew Terrel, Reginald K. Lee, Niels Asger Mortensen, Jes Broeng, Harald Simonsen, Anders Overgaard Bjarklev, Amnon Yariv

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    We demonstrate a new class of hollow-core Bragg fibers that are composed of concentric cylindrical silica rings separated by nanoscale support bridges. We theoretically predict and experimentally observe hollow-core confinement over an octave frequency range. The bandwidth of bandgap guiding in this new class of Bragg fibers exceeds that of other hollow-core fibers reported in the literature. With only three rings of silica cladding layers, these Bragg fibers achieve propagation loss of the order of 1 dB/m.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalOptics Express
    Issue number15
    Pages (from-to)3500-3508
    Publication statusPublished - 2004


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