Two Component Injection Moulding for Moulded Interconnect Devices

    Research output: Book/ReportBookResearchpeer-review


    The moulded interconnect devices (MIDs) contain huge possibilities for many applications in micro electro-mechanical-systems because of their potential in reducing the number of components, process steps and finally in miniaturization of the product. Among the available MID process chains, two component (2k) injection moulding is one of the most industrially adaptive processes. However, the use of two component injection moulding for MID fabrication, with circuit patterns in sub-millimeter range, is still a big challenge. This book searches for the technical difficulties associated with the process and makes attempts to overcome those challenges. In search of suitable polymer materials for MID applications, potential materials are characterized in terms of polymer-polymer bond strength, polymer-polymer interface quality and selective metallization. The experimental results find the factors which can effectively control the quality of 2k moulded parts and metallized MIDs. This book presents documented knowledge about MID process chains, 2k moulding and selective metallization which can be valuable source of information for both academic and industrial users.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of Publication66123 Saarbrücken, Germany
    PublisherLAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing AG & Co. KG
    Number of pages208
    ISBN (Print)978-3-8383-6583-1
    Publication statusPublished - 2010

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