Turbulence and turbulence-generated structural loading in wind turbine clusters

Sten Tronæs Frandsen

    Research output: Book/ReportDoctoral thesis

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    Turbulence - in terms of standard deviation of wind speed fluctuations - and other flow characteristics are different in the interior of wind farms relative to the free flow and action must be taken to ensure sufficient structural sustainability of the wind turbines exposed to “wind farm flow”. The standard deviation of wind speed fluctuations is a known key parameter for both extreme- and fatigue loading, and it is argued and found to be justified that a model for change in turbulence intensity alone may account for increased fatigue loading in wind farms. Changes in scale of turbulence and horizontal flow-shear also influence the dynamic response and thus fatigue loading. However, these parameters are typically – negatively or positively – correlated with the standard deviation of wind speed fluctuations, which therefore can, if need be, represent these other variables. Thus, models for spatially averaged turbulence intensity inside the wind farm and direct-wake turbulence intensity are being devised and a method to combine the different load situations is proposed. The combination of the load cases implies a weighting method involving the slope of the considered material’s Wöhler curve. In the context, this is novel and necessary to avoid excessive safety for fatigue estimation of the structure’s steel components, and non-conservatism for fibreglass components. The proposed model offers significant reductions in computational efforts in the design process. The status for the implementation of the model is that it became part of the Danish standard for wind turbine design DS 472 (2001) in August 2001 and it is part of the corresponding international standard, IEC61400-1 (2005). Also, extreme loading under normal operation for wake conditions and the efficiency of very large wind farms are discussed.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages130
    ISBN (Print)87-550-3458-6
    Publication statusPublished - 2007
    SeriesDenmark. Forskningscenter Risoe. Risoe-R

    Bibliographical note



    • Risø-R-1188
    • Risø-R-1188(EN)


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