Triboplasma - its generation and application for surface modification

Yukihiro Kusano, Stefania Taormina, Poul Michelsen, K. Nakayama

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    A triboplasma is a gas discharge induced by tribological stimulation. A triboplasma induced by tribo-electrification has been experimentally detected around a sliding contact. The detailed mechanism in tribo-electrification is unknown, but empirical “tribo-electric series” and Coehn´s law can be helpful for predicting the ordering of the tendency for charge acquisition in rubbing.
    Like other discharge plasmas, a triboplasma can be useful for surface modification such as adhesion improvement of certain surfaces. The method is attractive, since the generation of a triboplasma is simple, its treatment effect is expected to be similar to that of normal process plasmas, and simultaneous mechanical rubbing can enhance the treatment effect
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication date2008
    Publication statusPublished - 2008
    Event4th Mikkeli International Industrial Coating Seminar - Mikkeli, Finland
    Duration: 27 Mar 200829 Mar 2008


    Conference4th Mikkeli International Industrial Coating Seminar


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