Tribo-systems for Sheet Metal Forming

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearch

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    The present paper gives an overview of more than 10 years work by the author’s research group through participation in national as well as international framework programmes on developing and testing environmentally friendly lubricants and tool materials and coatings inhibiting galling. Partners in the programmes come from Germany, United Kingdom, Finland, Poland, Slovenia, Spain and Denmark. They represent lubricant developers, testing experts and industrial end users as well as numerical modelling experts simulating fundamental lubrication mechanisms and computing basic process parameters. The author’s research group has especially been involved in the development of a system of tribo-tests for sheet metal forming and in testing and modelling of friction and limits of lubrication of new, environmentally friendly lubricants and tool materials.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationMetallurgiske Processer i Danmark : Proceed. Dansk Metallurgisk Selskabs Vintermøde
    Number of pages207
    Publication date2009
    ISBN (Print)87-87535-39-4
    Publication statusPublished - 2009
    EventDanish Society of Metallurgy, Winter Annual Meeting : Udvikling og testning af nye, miljøvenlige tribo-systemer til pladeformgivning - Taulov, Danmark 7.-9. januar
    Duration: 1 Jan 2009 → …


    ConferenceDanish Society of Metallurgy, Winter Annual Meeting : Udvikling og testning af nye, miljøvenlige tribo-systemer til pladeformgivning
    CityTaulov, Danmark 7.-9. januar
    Period01/01/2009 → …


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