Transverse proton gluon anisotropy points behind the Standard Model

Ole L. Trinhammer*

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The present work focuses on transverse gluon densities in the proton and derives exemplar distributions showing azimuthal anisotropies. Such anomalies relative to the Standard Model may be visible in scattering experiments involving protons. I describe baryons as mass eigenstates of a Hamiltonian structure on an intrinsic U(3) configuration space. This has yielded the neutral flavour baryon spectrum and given a rather accurate value for the neutron mass 939.9(5) MeV from first principles. Quark and gluon fields are shaped by the momentum form of the intrinsic wave function. This has led to parton distribution functions for the u and d valence quarks for the proton and to a proton spin structure function agreeing with experiments over four orders of magnitude in the parton momentum fraction.

Original languageEnglish
Article number24001
Issue number2
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 2023


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