Transformation in the Maritime Sector via Autonomous Vessels and Eco-Friendly Fuels

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Mitigating climate impacts from greenhouse gases (GHG) is a complicated issue given the increasing energy demand. Utilizing environmentally sustainable vehicles and eco-friendly transport modes appears to be a highly effective strategy to tackle this problem. The European Union recognizes the crucial role of short-sea shipping (SSS) in the decarbonization efforts across the transport sector. The policy strategically aims to improve the share of SSS by encouraging a transition from road transportation to maritime alternatives. As part of a European project named AEGIS, this study seeks to use greener fuels in vessels by implementing a hybrid propulsion system that integrates methanol and batteries. The study explores the synergy of this propulsion system with autonomous vessels, intending to improve the competitive standing of SSS. The research undertakes a comprehensive examination of this innovative transportation on sustainability, implementing a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) that includes economic and environmental. In this research, a case study focused on the transportation route between the port of Hitra in Norway and the port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands, utilizing the concept of mother and daughter vessels. The results suggest that autonomous ships could potentially enhance the maritime sector’s competitive edge. This could result in an increase in cargo transportation via this mode, thereby improving environmental sustainability.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2024
Publication statusPublished - 2024
EventEURO-2024 Copenhagen: 33rd European Conference on Operational Research - Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Copenhagen, Denmark
Duration: 30 Jun 20243 Jul 2024
Conference number: 33


ConferenceEURO-2024 Copenhagen
LocationTechnical University of Denmark (DTU)
Internet address


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