Training diagnostic skills for nuclear power plants

L.P. Goodstein

    Research output: Book/ReportReportResearch

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    Operators of large-scale industrial process plants such as nuclear power stations and chemical production plants are faced with a critical and complex task when
    confronted with disturbances in normal operation caused by technical failures or
    maintenance errors. Great care must be taken to prepare and support the operators during such situations. Procedural systems are provided, training on full-scale highfidelity simulators is often a prerequisite and decision-support systems are starting to be incorporated, especially in modern control rooms. During recent years, it has become increasingly clear from "real-life" studies in complex production and transport industries that professional highly skilled troubleshooters can develop effective general purpose search strategies for locating and dealing with faults and, most importantly, with new and not previously experienced faults. This research has indicated that means for training of these general diagnostic abilities can be developed. In addition, other work has dealt with the problem of observing and analyzing operator behaviour in coping with disturbances The NKA/LIT-4 project has continued these efforts in studying methods for training diagnostic skills as well as for observing and testing operator behaviour on training simulators.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationRoskilde
    PublisherRisø National Laboratory
    Number of pages113
    ISBN (Print)87-7303-1097
    Publication statusPublished - 1986

    Bibliographical note

    This report forms part of the safety programme sponsored by NKA, the Nordic Liaison Committee for Atomic Energy, 1981-8. The work has been partly financed by the Nordic Council of Ministers.


    • Risø-M-2587
    • Computerized simulation
    • Control rooms
    • Nuclear power plants
    • Human factors
    • Training
    • Nordic countries


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