Towards optimal single-photon sources from polarized microcavities

Hui Wang, Yu-Ming He, Tung Hsun Chung, Hai Hu, Ying Yu, Si Chen, Xing Ding, Ming-Cheng Chen, Jian Qin, Xiaoxia Yang, Run-Ze Liu, Zhao-Chen Duan, Jin-Peng Li, Stefan Gerhardt, Karol Winkler, J. Jurkat, Lin-Jun Wang, Niels Gregersen, Yong-Heng Huo, Qing DaiSiyuan Yu, Sven Höfling, Chao-Yang Lu, Jian-Wei Pan*

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    An optimal single-photon source should deterministically deliver one and only one photon at a time, with no trade-off between the source’s efficiency and the photon indistinguishability. However, all reported solid-state sources of indistinguishable single photons had to rely on polarization filtering which reduced the efficiency by 50%, which fundamentally limited the scaling of photonic quantum technologies. Here, we overcome this final long-standing challenge by coherently driving quantum dots deterministically coupled to polarization-selective Purcell microcavities—two examples are narrowband, elliptical micropillars and broadband, elliptical Bragg gratings. A polarization-orthogonal excitation-collection scheme is designed to minimize the polarization-filtering loss under resonant excitation. We demonstrate a polarized single-photon efficiency of 0.60±0.02 (0.56±0.02), a single-photon purity of 0.975±0.005 (0.991±0.003), and an indistinguishability of 0.975±0.006 (0.951± 0.005) for the micropillar (Bragg grating) device. Our work provides promising solutions for truly optimal single-photon sources combining near-unity indistinguishability and near-unity system efficiency simultaneously.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalNature Photonics
    Pages (from-to)770–775
    Publication statusPublished - 2019


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