Towards an industrial manufactured morphing trailing edge flap system for wind turbines

Helge Aagaard Madsen , Tom Løgstrup Andersen, Leonardo Bergami, Johnny Egtved Jørgensen, Anna Candela Garolera, Joachim Holbøll, T. Schettler, P. Michels, M. Schoebel, M. Heisterberg, M.B. Christensen

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

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    A flap actuation system, the Controllable Rubber Trailing Edge Flap (CRTEF), for distributed load control on a wind turbine blade has been developed in the period from 2006 to 2010 at DTU. The function of the system and its capability to change the lift on a blade section was measured during a wind tunnel experiment in 2009 with promising results. This led in 2011 to initiation of a new research project INDUFLAP with the main aim to transfer the flap technology to industry as concerns manufacturing and testing. Three industrial partners are participating in the project. Rehau (DE) and Dansk Gummi Industri (DK) work on flap manufacturing and Hydratech Industries (DK) is developing the powering system for the flaps and the control system. DTU is the coordinator of the project. Flap prototypes have been manufactured in a continuous thermoplastic extrusion process and a unique rotating test rig has been developed and build, based on a 100kW turbine platform. A 2m (span) x 1m (chord) blade section with the flap system is mounted at the end of a 10m long boom rotated up to 50-60 rpm. Measurements comprise surface pressure measurements for detailed monitoring of the flap actions.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of EWEA 2014
    Number of pages9
    PublisherEuropean Wind Energy Association (EWEA)
    Publication date2014
    Publication statusPublished - 2014
    EventEuropean Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition 2014 - Fira de Barcelona Gran Via, Barcelona, Spain
    Duration: 10 Mar 201413 Mar 2014


    ConferenceEuropean Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition 2014
    LocationFira de Barcelona Gran Via
    Internet address


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