Topology of vortex creation in the cylinder wake

Morten Brøns, Anders Villefrance Bisgaard

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    We analyze the topology of the two-dimensional flow around a circular cylinder at moderate Reynolds numbers in the regime where the vortex wake is created. A normal form for the stream function close to the cylinder is presented and used to predict the streamline pattern both in the steady and the periodic regime, where two different vortex shedding scenarios are identified. The theoretical predictions are verified numerically. For the vorticity, a very different topology occurs with infinite nested sequences of iso-curves moving downstream. General equations of motion for critical points are derived.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalTheoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics
    Issue number1-4
    Pages (from-to)299-303
    Publication statusPublished - 2010


    • Vortex dynamics
    • Streamline patterns
    • Wakes
    • Topology
    • Bifurcation


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