Tomographic vat photopolymerization for 3d printing of objects with internal property-variation

Yi Yang (Inventor), Kristoffer Almdal (Inventor)

Research output: Patent

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The present disclosure relates to a method for producing a multi-material three- dimensional object comprising: computing a number of projections describing the multi- material three-dimensional object to be formed from different orientation angles of said object, including: a number of first projections describing a first part of said object to be formed in a first material; a number of second projections describing a second part of said object to be formed in a second material; providing a build volume comprising: a first photosensitive component capable of polymerizing into the first material upon irradiation by light having a first wavelength; a second photosensitive component capable of polymerizing into the second material upon irradiation by light having a second wavelength, the second material having different mechanical properties than the first material; and irradiating the build volume with a number of patterns of light, as defined by the projections, at the respective corresponding orientations and wavelengths such that the light having the first wavelength deposits energy according to a first energy distribution and wherein the light having the second wavelength deposits energy according to a second energy distribution; thereby physically reproducing said multi-material three-dimensional object.

Original languageEnglish
IPCH04N 1/ 40 A I
Patent numberWO2022090318
Filing date27/10/2020
Country/TerritoryInternational Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
Priority date27/10/2020
Priority numberEP20200204050
Publication statusPublished - 5 May 2022


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