Three Phase Power Imbalance Decomposition into Systematic Imbalance and Random Imbalance

Wangwei Kong, Kang Ma, Qiuwei Wu

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


    Uneven load allocations and random load behaviors are two major causes for three-phase power imbalance. The former mainly cause systematic imbalance, which can be addressed by low-cost phase swapping; the latter contribute to random imbalance, which requires relatively costly demand-side managements. To reveal the maximum potential of phase swapping and the minimum need for demand-side managements, this paper first proposes a novel a priori judgment to classify any set of three-phase power series into one of four scenarios, depending on whether there is a definite maximum phase, a definite minimum phase, or both. Then, this paper proposes a new method to decompose three-phase power series into a systematic imbalance component and a random imbalance component as the closed-form solutions of quadratic optimization models that minimize random imbalance. A degree of power imbalance is calculated based on the systematic imbalance component to guide phase swapping. Case studies demonstrate that 72.8% of 782 low voltage substations have systematic imbalance components. The degree of power imbalance results reveal the maximum need for phase swapping and the random imbalance components reveal the minimum need for demand side management, if the three phases are to be fully rebalanced.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of 2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting
    Number of pages1
    Publication date2018
    ISBN (Print)9781538677032
    Publication statusPublished - 2018
    Event2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting - Oregon Convention Center, Portland, United States
    Duration: 5 Aug 201810 Aug 2018


    Conference2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting
    LocationOregon Convention Center
    Country/TerritoryUnited States
    Internet address


    • Systematics
    • Electrical engineering
    • Demand-side management
    • Resource management
    • Closed-form solutions
    • Optimization
    • Low voltage


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