Three-Dimensional Reduced Graphene Oxide Network on Copper Foam as High-performance Supercapacitor Electrodes

Ramendra Sundar Dey, Qijin Chi

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E lectrochemically generated copper foam (Cuf) could serve as an effective template for fabrication of three - dimensional (3D) reduced graphe n e oxide (rGO) network s. Here we present a facile approach to preparation of 3D rGO network supported by Cuf a s binder - free and current collector - integrated supercapacitor electrode s (3DrGO@Cuf) [1] . The method involves a two - step procedure, self - assembly of graphene oxide (GO) nanosheets on Cuf and electrochemical reduction of GO into rGO. We have systematically characterized as - synthesized materials using AFM, SEM and XRD to reveal their morpholog ical and structural features . E lectrochemical functional tests show that such electrode s are capable of delivering a specific capacitance as high as 623 F g - 1 a t a curre nt density of 1 A g - 1 . Th e obse r ved high specific capacitance is most likely attributed to the unique porous structure consist ing of highly connected nano scale pore s and high - density capacitive sites. 3DrGO@Cuf electrodes also exhibit considerably high sta bility over successive charge - discharge switching. For example, over 98 % specific capacitance is retained after 2000 cycle s . To the best of our knowledge, we may have achieve d the highest specific capacitance with 3DrGO@Cuf electrodes among reported pure 3D graphene materials to date (i.e. 3D graphene materials without doping additional capacitive species ) [2 , 3 ]
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2014
Publication statusPublished - 2014
Event65th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry - Lausanne, Switzerland
Duration: 31 Aug 20145 Sept 2014


Conference65th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry


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