Thermal performance analysis of a solar heating plant

Jianhua Fan, Junpeng Huang, Ola Lie Andersen, Simon Furbo

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    Detailed measurements were carried out on a large scale solar heating plant located in southern Denmark in order to evaluate thermal performances of the plant. Based on the measurements, energy flows of the plant were evaluated.
    A modified Trnsys model of the Marstal solar heating plant was developed to calculate thermal performances of the plant. In the Trnsys model, three solar collector fields with a total solar collector area of 33,300 m2, a seasonal water
    pit heat storage of 75,000 m3, a simplified CO2 HP, a simplified ORC unit and a simplified wood chip boiler were included. The energy consumption of the district heating net was modeled by volume flow rate and given forward and return temperatures of the district heating net. Weather data from a weather station at the site of the plant were used in the calculations. The Trnsys calculated yearly thermal performance of the solar heating plant was compared to the measurement results. Validity of the Trnsys model was analyzed. Recommendations are given with aim to develop a Trnsys model that can be used to optimize design of a solar heating plant under different scenarios.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication date2017
    Number of pages10
    Publication statusPublished - 2017
    EventSolar World Congress 2017 - Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
    Duration: 29 Oct 20172 Nov 2017


    ConferenceSolar World Congress 2017
    Country/TerritoryUnited Arab Emirates
    CityAbu Dhabi


    • Solar heating plant
    • Thermal performance
    • Monitoring
    • Trnsys simulations
    • Design optimization


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